tidy your workspace


most people prefer to work in tidy spaces. this might be explained by the human brain’s preference for order. a study conducted by princeton university found constant visual reminders of disorganisation drain our cognitive energy and reduce our ability to focus. in addition, when participants cleared clutter from their work environment, they were better able to focus and process information, and their productivity increased

4 easy ways to tidy your desk and keep it tidy:

• organise your equipment: stationery into pen pots/pencil cases and paperwork in trays and folders. this will also save time and reduce stress in the long term 

• instal shelves near your desk, to store folders, books etc when not in use. this will reduce the visual clutter, helping you to focus

• use a coaster for drinks. this will limit the number of cups/mugs on your desk, encouraging you to tidy your desk more frequently 

• regularly ‘spring clean’ your workspace. this is a great way to channel procrastination into productivity, whilst boosting your mood with your freshly tidied space 


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