

sociologist goffman uses the analogy of performing on stage and backstage to explain human behaviour. in the outside world, we are social beings performing our social roles to others. we are aware we are being watched, so we are conscious of how we dress, act, speak etc. in contrast, our homes acts as backstage. this is where we are our true selves, swapping work clothes for loungewear, formal speech for impersonal language and overall acting more authentically ourselves

the backstage/home provides numerous psychological benefits, including an opportunity for autonomy, emotional regulation and relaxation, all of which are significantly increased when we strengthen the distinction between home/backstage and on stage/outside world through privacy

three ways to increase privacy in your home:

• using window dressings eg blinds, curtains and shutters to reduce visibility from outsiders

• use furniture like shelving units and room dividers to create physical barriers between you and others

• use soft furnishings like curtains, rugs and upholstered furniture to act as soundproofing and reduce noise pollution


self-expression theory