meeting basic needs


according to humanistic psychologist, maslow, humans have a range of needs: physiological, safety, belonging, esteem and self actualisation (fulfilling our life’s potential). the latter and highest level only occurs when our other, more basic needs are met first. the design of our spaces can significantly contribute towards meeting these needs, and facilitate self actualisation

3 easy ways to ensure our spaces meet our basic needs:

  • dining areas: in addition to providing a space to consume food and water (physiological needs), eating and drinking at dining tables and breakfast bars support our need for social interaction (love and belonging)

  • privacy: window coverings are a quick and easy to add a barrier between our space and the outside world, leading to a sense of security (safety need) 

  • relaxing seating: most seating is used for specific tasks such as eating and working. having alternative seating exclusively for relaxing helps to facilitate our need to rest (physiological need) 


eucalyptus showers

