

psychological research demonstrates that texture can impact our emotions. one study showed that soft, light and smooth objects are associated with positive feelings, whereas hard, dark and rough objects are associated with negative

however, our sensory response to texture is inconsistent. another study found that we are more sensitive to texture when we’re in a low mood, but more sensitive to visuals when we’re a good mood. this reflects evolutionary behaviour; we seek comfort (touch/texture) when feeling low but explore (sight/visuals) the environment when feeling positive. applied to interior design, we should consider the texture of our home, as well as the visuals

five easy ways to add texture:

• dress windows with curtains rather than blinds or shutters

• add a deep pile rug to hard wood or tiled floors

• store blankets on the armrests or backs of sofas/armchairs

• use wicker baskets as plant pots and storage 

• cover dining tables with table cloths


guest friendly


fresh flowers