displaying photos


recent psychological research suggests we experience positive feelings when looking at photos. one study found 64% of participants felt nostalgic when looking at photos, 56% felt happy and 30% felt relaxed. this might be explained by the boost in endorphins released when looking at photos; endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve our sense of well-being

furthermore, research demonstrates that looking at photos can improve memory, particularly in older adults. photos help to trigger old memories, which, when recalled, are reinforced, increasing the chances we’ll have access to them in the future

3 alternative ways to display photos in your home, without framing and hanging them on the wall:

• keep unframed photos on your desk, dressing table, etc with other personal belongings (swipe right)

• use a personal photo as your desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile phone background

• use your photos to make customised fridge magnets


home hushing


the colour orange